

  • 赤ペン瀧川の『思い出の映画を、教えてください。』 - 赤ペン瀧川


  • おしゃべりな理科 - 東京書籍


  • 鈴木香里武 Life of the SEA - J-WAVE


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    真栄原ミュージック - FM沖縄

    ラジオインフルエンサー與古田忠と西向幸三が、2人の地元、沖縄県 宜野湾市 真栄原(まえはら)にありそうなレコ屋「真栄原ミュージック」からお届けするラジオ番組のアフタートーク。最高な音楽はradikoタイムフリーで。放送できないやさぐれトークは、このPodcastでどうぞ!

Angel Invest Boston - Sal Daher

In the Decade of Biotech when there will be myriad opportunities to invest in angel-scale biotech startups. After decades of angel investing, I am focusing on the life science side of my portfolio and invite other angels to do the same. Here's why: https://www.labcoatventures.com/why-we-are-focused-on-early-stage-biotech/

I’m Sal Daher, host of the Angel Invest Boston Podcast. After immigrating to Boston as a child and attending Belmont High School, I studied engineering at MIT and Stanford. Decades of work in international finance followed. During that time, I invested in a handful of ventures founded by friends and acquaintances. Now, I’m a member of Walnut Ventures and MIT Angels and spend most of my time as an angel investor. Startups in my portfolio include: SQZ Biotech, Gelesis, Akili Interactive, Vedanta Biosciences, FineTune Learning, Concrete Sensors, Squadle, doDoc, Pixability, Mavrck, Viral Gains, Streamroot, XMOS, Alice's Table and others. Exits include: Exos (Microsoft), Rifiniti (KKR) and PIKA Energy (Generac).

