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Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast - Travis Sherry

The Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast is hosted by Travis Sherry, a serial entrepreneur and world traveler. Known as "Rick Steves for the new generation", this podcast will teach you everything you need to know to travel more and spend less.

From interviews with some of the world's most famous travel names, like Chris Guillebeau, Bruce Poon Tip, AJ Jacobs, Chris Christensen and others to specific travel advice on how to use frequent flyer miles, score cheap hotels, pack like a pro, and travel on a budget, this show does it all.

We'll also highlight specific destinations, telling you what it's really like to travel to India, the best places to eat and sleep in Paris, and top everything off with our Top 10 lists, which will make you laugh, reminisce, and ultimately, be filled with wanderlust.

To find out even more, visit our renowned travel site at www.extrapackofpeanuts.com.

